By: Karen Yerkes, ARNP - UCF Health Center
For a healthy you, be physically active each day, eat colorful meals, have regular preventive screenings at the clinic and avoid risky behaviors. All new patients at the UCF Health Center's Women’s Clinic receive educational packets on physical fitness, healthy diets, daily calcium, health screenings, preventive measures like self breast exam and HPV vaccines.
Physical exercise has terrific benefits for a healthy woman. These health benefits include relaxation, stress management, weight management and energy gains. Active women feel healthier and tend to outlive inactive women. Walking can improve your life by adding energy. Yoga focuses on breathing and meditation; working in unison to provide a clearer mind.
Eat more nutritional meals with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Low fat dairy products like skim or 1% milk, yogurts and cheeses help to keep your bones strong. Folic acid in fortified breads and cereals, green leafy vegetables and folic acid supplements or women’s daily vitamins will boost your immune system and prevent serious birth defects. All women of child-bearing age will benefit from folic acid supplements.
Preventive screenings like clinical breast exams, SBE, cervical cancer screenings and the Gardasil vaccine are available at the UCF Health Center Women’s Clinic. We provide comprehensive women’s health services such as: contraceptive prescribing and counseling, routine PAP screening, colposcopy referrals and exams, HPV vaccinations, STI testing and counseling, and pregnancy testing and counseling.
Physical exercise has terrific benefits for a healthy woman. These health benefits include relaxation, stress management, weight management and energy gains. Active women feel healthier and tend to outlive inactive women. Walking can improve your life by adding energy. Yoga focuses on breathing and meditation; working in unison to provide a clearer mind.
Eat more nutritional meals with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Low fat dairy products like skim or 1% milk, yogurts and cheeses help to keep your bones strong. Folic acid in fortified breads and cereals, green leafy vegetables and folic acid supplements or women’s daily vitamins will boost your immune system and prevent serious birth defects. All women of child-bearing age will benefit from folic acid supplements.
Preventive screenings like clinical breast exams, SBE, cervical cancer screenings and the Gardasil vaccine are available at the UCF Health Center Women’s Clinic. We provide comprehensive women’s health services such as: contraceptive prescribing and counseling, routine PAP screening, colposcopy referrals and exams, HPV vaccinations, STI testing and counseling, and pregnancy testing and counseling.
We are located in the Purple Pod on second floor of the UCF Health Center.
A great reference for healthy women is: 4collegewomen.org